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What is aluminum?

Aluminum is a silvery-white metallic element with the atomic number 13 and the chemical symbol Al, placed in group 13 of the periodic table.  

Recycling aluminum significantly reduces CO2 emissions

Aluminum is the third most common element in the Earth’s crust and is valued for its low density (about one-third that of iron), high mechanical strength in alloys, and corrosion resistance. It is easy to work with, non-toxic, tasteless, and an excellent conductor of both heat and electricity, making it a widely used metal in many industries. By using aluminum scrap, CO2 emissions can be reduced by 92% compared to production from raw materials. Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy required for primary production. One ton of recycled aluminum saves up to 14,000 kWh of energy.*

Examples of aluminum in everyday life:

  • Window frames and other building elements
  • Food packaging
  • Engine blocks and other car parts
  • Interior and furniture
  • Kitchenware
  • Beverage cans
Aluminum is the third most recycled material in the world, after iron and paper, and globally, 63% of all aluminum cans are recycled. Thanks to its infinite recyclability, 75% of all aluminum ever produced is still in use today. Did you know that aluminum is the third most recycled material in the world, following iron and paper? Globally, 63% of all aluminum cans are recycled.